Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, January 4, 2013

Quiet Friday

Dear Friends,

So did you think about those resolutions I mentioned yesterday?  Apparently, if you do want to make a resolution or two (and it's never too late), there are ways to make your chances of success much greater.

Be specific.  Don't say, "lose weight."  Say, "Lose 10 pounds in 6 months."  And you probably better have some idea of how that is going to happen, such as walking, no eating after 7:00 p.m. (as Denise Austin says), or by some other means.  Any other ideas for resolutions?  Maybe become a volunteer or support a new cause.  Maybe borrow some recommended books from the library that will open up new horizons for you.  Join a study group or a Bible study.

I've been going to a Bible study at church, and it will last into the spring.  Last night we discussed Peter, the Rock upon whom God built His church.  The word for Peter in Aramaic (the language of Jesus and Peter) translates the name Peter as being not just any rock but a HUGE foundation rock.  Peter himself as a sign of his great humility not only called himself a servant of God, but a "servant of servants. "  We are called to serve as well.

So let us rejoice this Friday.  God is in heaven and all is right with the earth.

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