Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Weather in a word -- frigid

Whenever we have one of these intensely cold weather patterns, it begs the question -- who would move to Alaska?  Perhaps one of the calls of the wild that beckons people to Alaska is individualism.  Even while living in a community up north, there is plenty of room to be alone and to pursue one's own path.

Voices coming from the far left in America would have us believe that freedom is the right to choose.  Our country just observed the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade and there is an advertisement commemorating this occasion that just blows me away.  It so trivializes the life of the unborn that there are no words to describe it. 

We always have a choice with God -- always.  We have free will.  Each day we make a myriad of decisions and most of them have very little import in the grand scheme of things.  But now and again something momentous comes up, and we must go down one road or another.  With prayer as our armor, the Holy Spirit indwelling as our shield, and with our guardian angel by our side, we run through life towards the goal at the end.  We run in the great race, all the while making choices, and with our eyes on the prize.

Our choices in life come from God, not from the government.  If we choose to live a conservative life, that precedes any political party affiliation. 

Some see the Christian life as one controlled by a list of no-nos.  Quite the contrary, living the Christian life brings joy, freedom, and peace.  Some see the 10 commandments as more evidence of this control, but Christians know that there are really just two commandments that sum things up.  Love God and love neighbor.  These statements are not what you can't do, but rather what you CAN do. 

May God bless us today, and the Alaskans too.

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