Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Little Break from Anna's Story

Today we are taking a short break from Anna's story.  We will resume tomorrow.  I'm hoping you aren't bored to death yet!!

Let's start with a quote that came around from Julie Barkey's prayer list:

Romans 5:3-5 Not only that, but we even boast in our afflictions, knowing that affliction produces endurance, and endurance proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts through the holy Spirit that has been given to us.

So how do we boast in our afflictions?  Well, for one thing, we can share them, not as whiners or complainers but just matter-of-factly if the situation presents itself.  At that point, it seems as though it was absolutely what God wanted because you get some affirmation back. 

How else?  By not running away from reality but by facing our afflictions head-on and dealing with them, not looking down a long road but by dealing with it one day at a time.  Those who cope with addiction must do it one day at a time.  The long haul can be too scary, too filled with potential dread, pain, and fear. 

When I got Crohn's Disease at age 28, it was a lousy blow to be honest.  But having Crohn's made me so much more aware and compassionate for others.  It indeed produced endurance and somehow God sustained me throughout the whole, long ordeal that lasted until I was 40 and had surgery.  Without thinking of life being any different because of it, I just kept on going.  After surgery, the surgeon wanted to know if I'd been eating or going to work and I said yes to both and he was floored.  That's the Holy Spirit at work!! 

At an event that was hosted by Magnificat where we learned about our special gifts called charisms, such as art, music, organization, hospitality, prophecy, etc., a pleasant young woman sat next to me for lunch.  She introduced herself.  "Hi, I'm Terry McNight and I have fourth stage ovarian cancer."  Terry ended up losing her life to the cancer, but she was no loser in life!!  She was an amazing woman and what a wonderful gift it was to have time to talk to her and share some heartaches that only two people who have those heartaches would understand.

So, today -- let us remember to thank God for pulling us closer to Him, for infusing us with his blessed hope, and for picking us up and carrying us when we can't go on. 

The reading on Sunday was about being on fire for God!  And indeed when we think about all that He does for us, it should come easy. 

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