Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, August 3, 2013

...And He Went To Church

One of the details that we got this past week about Ariel Castro is that he went to church every week.  He went to God's house and prayed ... for what?  In his twisted mind, one can only wonder.

Most people who move away from God avoid church because going there becomes a reminder of everything that they are doing wrong.  The "guilt" comes to roost.  Instead, people steeped in a sinful life seek out the company of others who play the same game.  Castro apparently is a little different.

The three girls come from the same general area of Cleveland and they were young.  They all share something else in common -- they accepted a ride from Castro.  And that was the beginning of their horror and ten years of abuse.

There is a wonderful gift that comes from God -- discernment.  Discernment gives us insight into all sorts of things without any special sort of educational process.  Some might call it a sixth sense because it functions like the other five as far as providing a warning that something might not be right.  The way that it works might be an idea that pops into our heads or perhaps that hair at the back of our heads or just a visceral reaction.  In any case, it would be almost impossible to explain.

What made it really difficult for the three girls is that they had seen this man around.  At least one of them knew him to a degree.  They didn't suspect a guy who lived in their neighborhood and seemed so normal.  A musician, a church goer, a friendly "older" guy. 

Sometimes with our kids we just try to bypass any lack of discernment that they may have and set up rules to protect them.  I'm sure that the three girls had those same rules too, like don't accept rides from strangers.  Or don't walk home alone; someone will pick you up from work.  In the three cases, nothing worked and their lives were forever changed from accepting that one ride.

Pray for the gift of discernment.  It is an invaluable gift.  A mysterious gift.  A gift that keeps on giving all through our lives, and keeps on giving by helping us help the ones we love.

From everything that's been on the news, the three young ladies are doing things right.  They are getting the help that they need to heal and strengthen.  They remain with their families and are surrounded by love and support -- including the support of many people who have poured out their concern with a contribution.  I pray that they will find the one other thing that would help ensure a deeper healing -- a deep relationship with God.

While they move on with their lives and begin to venture out, their captor moves into his 5 x 8 cell at Grafton Correctional Institution where he will be in solitary.  Michelle Knight was right, his hell is just beginning.

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