Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Anna's Story

Sorry about this morning!!  I honestly forgot to post the start of the story that I promised.  Hope you can all forgive me for my lapse.  So this late posting on Wednesday counts for tomorrow.

Anna's Story

Part One

The woman sat in the second to the last pew on St. Joseph’s side, the toe of her shoe just outside the imaginary line that followed the rows of pews to the altar.  As though by doing so, she could bolt out of church at a moment’s notice.  She was alone and felt very much so.  Quickly looking about, it seemed to her that every other person in church was with someone, and like a lone diner in a fancy restaurant, she felt self-conscious. 


As the Mass went along, she followed in the missal and softly said the prayers in response to the priest.  She did not sing but she listened and let her heart rise and fall with the lilting melodies.  At the sign of peace, a jovial-looking woman sitting by her side thrust her large hand toward her in a gesture of welcome, and they shook hands.  A gentleman in front of her turned around and offered her his hand as well.  She watched as a cherubic blond-haired child gave her mother a kiss and hugged her neck tight.  During Communion, she rose only to let the others in her pew get out. 


Her presence at Mass was not the norm; in fact, it was the first time in eight years that she had attended.  A few of the spoken parts had changed but overall the experience was familiar and comforting.  Perhaps, she hoped, it was time to heal, to move forward.  She pushed away the negative thoughts that pummeled her, the ones that were making her second guess the decision to attend, and she made a solemn vow to God – I’ll be back next week.  The last stanza of the closing song still playing in her head, she walked slowly to her car and headed to her apartment.

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