Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Anna's Story - Part 8

(Anna Smithson has ventured outside of her comfort zone and gone on a mission trip to a poor area of Kentucky.  When her boyfriend moved out and her mother died of cancer, Anna's world was turned upside down.  Now maybe she has a chance to build a new life.)

The teens in the van; Erin, Will, Kirsten, and Brady, were an odd grouping.  Anna figured that under normal circumstances, like at school, they probably wouldn’t have become friends at all.  They had different likes and dislikes in just about everything, and so the car ride to Kentucky gave them a chance to explore all of it.
“My favorite Mexican food is enchiladas,” Will proclaimed.

“Oh gross,” Kirsten chimed in.  “How can you eat that?”

Anna just listened and absorbed some of their youthful exuberance, starting to feel the years roll away the farther the van got away from Addleford, Ohio.  Once during the trip, they all started laughing, Mrs. Licci included, and Anna had to wipe tears from her eyes.  When was the last time that ever happened, she thought?

When the caravan stopped at the rest stop for dinner, they had been on the road for five hours already and were about an hour from a location near Bowling Green, Kentucky.  Mrs. Licci explained that they didn’t want to arrive in Kentucky and expect their hosts to feed them right away. 

Kirsten sat next to Anna, and without batting an eye, she said, “I think maybe I’ll order the enchiladas.”  Will almost fell off of his chair laughing.  Anna had an omelet, toast and some bacon, along with a rich cup of coffee with creamer.  Mrs. Licci had a hearty sandwich, and Kirsten ordered a burger. 

After getting back on the highway, it didn’t seem long at all before Mrs. Licci was getting off at a woody area and it felt like the van was being swallowed by trees.  Then winding and twisting roads and more woods – until finally in a clearing that no one would see coming, they pulled into a driveway leading to a rural church with a huge white spire.  This would be their home for the next week, the best and safest way for the teens and their chaperones to get their rest.
One pickup truck was largely unoccupied because it was loaded with tools and various building materials.  The larger wood pieces were already on site, they said.  The front door of the church opened and a smiling man greeted them.

“Hi, I’m Father Jim,” he said.  “Welcome, we are so happy you have come.”

That night the group gathered for prayers in the church, sang hymns and prepared themselves for the busy day to come.  The setting sun’s light created a glow in the darkened church lit only by candles and wall sconces.  The cross above the altar glowed as well, and Anna stared into the face of Jesus, asking for help and guidance for everyone. 

Soon the sleeping bags were spread out on the floor and everyone took turns in the bathroom getting ready for bed.  Surprisingly, there was a shower, three toilet stalls and two sinks.  An anonymous donor had provided funds for the new added bathroom in order to better host the mission visitors.  It was a pleasant and welcome surprise.

Twenty people who were just starting to really get to know each other bedded down for the night and the only thing anyone could hear was the sound of a fan in the back of church and the locusts which were everywhere around them.




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