Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Amazing Earthenware Pot

Archeologists and language experts have apparently been trying for about a year to determine what the fragments of an earthenware pot say on the side of it.  Some thought it was the language of the Canaanites but that was proved false.

Recently, Douglas Petrovich believes that he has cracked the code and traced the inscription to the earliest form of Hebrew.  It would mean that the pot which is about 3,000 years old and found near the Temple Mount in Jerusalem last year puts the Israelites in Jerusalem much earlier than believed.  They would have been there during the time of David and Solomon.

And the significance of this is very great for Christians.  Why?  To quote from an article on, "If Petrovich's analysis proves true, it would be evidence of the accuracy of Old Testament tales. If Hebrew as a written language existed in the 10th century, as he says, the ancient Israelites were recording their history in real time as opposed to writing it down several hundred years later. That would make the Old Testament an historical account of real-life events."

This might explain why a number of Old Testament places have been found and authenticated.  It makes the Christian Bible much more authoritative and impactful. 

Apparently, other archeologists are unwilling to label the language Hebrew, because the climate right now is against attributing much to the early Israelites.  Even a Tel Aviv archeologist, Israel Finkelstein, warned against romantic notions about early history and its link to the Bible, stating that scientific methods must be used. 

It's interesting how often science and faith clash, but it is neither science nor faith that cause the clashes.  It's us.

And by the way, on another matter relating to faith -- a text used in advanced placement classes offered to ninth graders in Brevard County, Florida, spends 32 pages on Muslim civilizations and its culture.  No space was devoted to Christian faith and culture, and none to the Jewish faith and culture.  Wow.  The content includes information about Mohammed as God's messenger and explains jihad as a holy war to defend the Muslim faith ... kind of like Christianity and the Crusades.  Another wow.  The book tells about how wonderfully women are treated.  The publisher is Pearson, no small player in the textbook business.  Todd Starnes from Fox Radio told Hannity on last night's show that at least 80 textbooks show Muslim bias.

Be watchful, those of you with children in school.  There is no guarantee that the books used in your child's school are historically accurate.  There is no excuse for so-called educated people to veer away from the facts.  Remember what the archeologist said in an earlier paragraph?  Stick to scientific methods?  How about at least stick to the facts.

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