Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, November 22, 2013

A Christmas Candle

The only movie coming out this Christmas that has the true message is "A Christmas Candle."  Rick Santorum, candidate for president in the 2012 race, is CEO of the film company that has made the movie.  He believes that "A Christmas Candle" will become one of the classics that people want to watch year after year.

The film opens in 400 theaters this week.  IF attendance is good, it will open in many more of them.  The film is set in the late 1890 at the dawn of electricity in a small town, Gladbury, England.  The townsfolk remember a story about a candle and a miracle that occurred many years before.  Now, with the advancements of science, the miracle is getting a back seat.

There is a trailer online if you google or bing the title of the film.  Then you can decide for yourself if you want to attend.  The movie is vying against Hunger Games and the like so it has an uphill battle.

I think maybe I'll convince my husband that we need to go and support this Christian effort.  The movie is rated PG for thematic elements, whatever that is, but I doubt very much that there would be anything offensive for a family.

Maybe you'll want to check it out.  There are quite a few made-for-TV movies that carry a Christian theme, but not many that make it to the big screen. 

Thanks to all of you for reading the blog yesterday.  The numbers are up and I appreciate that.  I'll keep writing if you keep reading.  All the honor and glory of our efforts go to God.

The winter air is coming today so stay warm and cozy.  Talk to you tomorrow, dear readers.

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