Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Rainy Thursday

It's getting close to Thanksgiving and that can only mean one thing in my house -- it's time to clean the kitchen cabinets again.

This is a yearly thing for me.  The hood over the stove gets cleaned more often because it needs it, and sometimes the more used cabinets get a bit of a go-over, but November is always when I wash down the cabinets.  This year it will be a one-step process - cleaning with Murphy's Oil Soap.  It's kind to cabinets and it's fast.  But rather than getting started (it's 8:38 a.m.), I'm sitting here writing the post for today.  Maybe it's because I'm procrastinating?  Sure, could be.  I'm retired; procrastinating could even become a way of life if I let it!!

When my mother wasn't doing very well because of her high blood pressure, doctors thought her best bet was taking it easy.  That was how they looked at it back then in the 1950s, so we hired a cleaning lady to assist my mother in taking care of the house.  There were hardwood floors in every bedroom upstairs, carpet in the living room and dining room and linoleum in the kitchen.  Lucy, our sweet and wonderful cleaning lady, used Murphy's Oil Soap on the hardwood floors maybe every couple of weeks and did a thorough dusting in between.  I could always tell Lucy was at the house by the smell of the soap.  It has a very distinctive odor that one cannot forget.

So today will be a trip down memory lane for me, because as soon as I open the Murphy's Oil Soap bottle, I'll be back at 3971 Wooster Road again and Lucy will be at the house doing the floors. 

My class reunion is this coming September -- I think I shared that with you a couple of times -- and I'm co-chair of entertainment.  We always used a questionnaire to gather information about our classmates but honestly, the questions were boring and didn't delve into the stuff that makes a reunion special.  Murphy's Oil Soap is a case in point.  Open that bottom -- out pours memories.  So one question I'd like us to consider using is, "If you could go back in time to Fairview Park in 1964 and visit one place, where would it be and why?"  We'd get some stories, wouldn't we? 

Some might say they'd like to go back to their old house.  Some might say the high school itself.  Some might say Fran's Sweet Shop; others might say the old Fairview Shopping Center.  It might be interesting.  We go to our reunions because in some sense we try to capture what was. 

I'm taking my cue from Murphy's Oil Soap. 

Have a wonderful Thursday and enjoy yourself.  God is in his heaven; all's right with the world.  Say a prayer for our country today!!

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