Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cozy Wednesday

The kids are off of school today thanks to the wintery weather we had yesterday.  This time the forecasters had it right on the dot -- the serious snow started here at around 3:00 p.m., just like they predicted.

So it's one of those hot chocolate, play with the toys, watch a little TV like Jake and the Pirates and Sophia the First, cuddle in a blanket and relax days.  A cozy day for the children and those of us lucky enough not to have to venture out into the cold today. 

I do feel bad, however, for those who were trying to reach family members for Thanksgiving.  There are a lot of them stranded at the airports right now, trying to find a flight to wherever they are going.  Apparently, the weather over most of the U.S. will be fine tomorrow, but the snow came at just the time when so many are heading out.  The whole mess underscores the "reason for the season" which is that family and Thanksgiving are uniquely united. 

Thanksgiving was observed in the early years of our country, but there was no formal proclamation to that effect until Abraham Lincoln set the last Thursday of the month of November as the official Thanksgiving.  In his proclamation, he invoked the name of God many, many times.  Thus, although Thanksgiving is a holiday set by the government, its link with our faith is undisputed.

For me Thanksgiving means doing a lot of cooking, cleaning, and preparing.  It does NOT mean going to the mall, any store whatsoever, or standing in a line in the frigid cold waiting to get $20 off a TV.  For me, the day of Thanksgiving is special, but so is the day after and the weekend after.  It's a time to just take some time to relax and appreciate everything in my life, all the gifts, the special people, the blessings.  Then on Saturday, it's time to watch the annual battle between Michigan and Ohio State.  It's always a good game, rooted in tradition and high on emotion.

At some point when our kids were grown and the dynamics of them trying to go to more than one house made it difficult, we changed things up and it's stayed that way.  We have everyone over for the full meal on Friday.  That way they can come over and enjoy themselves and not have to rush off somewhere else, and they can come over hungry.  It's worked out well and I have no regrets.  As my husband observed today, Friday feels like Thanksgiving for us. 

As you prepare for the holiday, as you get out each ingredient to prepare the meal, as you fire up the stove, hook up the mixer, pull out the roasting pan, and smell the wonderful aroma of pies, turkey, and dressing, take a moment to thank God for his bounty.  The Akron-Canton Food Bank called yesterday and their message is that one in seven is hungry right here in our area.  That is definitely something to consider and they are a very worthwhile group to support.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!! 

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