Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, November 1, 2013

Last Night

Trick or treat turned out to be one of the best ever, even as reports of high winds, lightning, thunder, and postponements dominated the weather reports. 

For some reason, last night the neighborhood kids seemed to have more fun than ever and were more enthusiastic than ever.  Even though they were absolutely soaked.

We set a record.  My projection of five children visiting our house was way off because we may have topped out at around 20, a new record for sure.  The neighbor gave out treats this year too, and so that may have been part of the reason since it drew children toward the cul-de-sac. 

The children were coming to almost every door at our house, a definite drawback to having the house turned around with its front towards the woods and its back towards the cul-de-sac.  So we gave out treats on the porch and at the front door too, and sometimes I was running back and forth between the two. 

I gave the kids three treats each, and told the one group, "I'm giving you more candy because it's so nasty tonight and we probably won't get very many."  And one boy volunteered, "I know, that's what everyone says."  He didn't mind hearing it again though.  Another boy wore his soaked clothes like a badge of honor, "Nothing's going to stop us," he proclaimed.  The rain gave the evening an edge to it, and it was a warm edge, a constant warm rain.  My grandchildren were going to sit it out this year, but suddenly after dinner everyone got their shoes on and headed out into the wetness.  About 40 minutes later they returned, wet but happy and smiling.  My granddaughter couldn't wait to get her shoes off.  She said there were puddles in the bottoms of them.  My little Incredible Hulk's costume was drenched but he was delighted.  We got everyone warm and had hot chocolate and Krispy Kreme donuts heated up in the microwave. 

By 8:30, the house was quiet and calm again, and the cats emerged from their hiding places.  The goblins and the Incredible Hulks were back home again, as well as the princesses and the pirates.  Another Halloween in a small town.  Another sense of history of times past, to Halloweens in the 50s.  And NO ONE could get over the fact that my brother and I said, "Please help the poor."  Honestly, I think they believe I came from another planet sometimes.

Today one of my grandchildren will be celebrating the Fall harvest or some such thing.  There are to be no costumes, no mention of ghosts or goblins, no Halloween decorated plates and napkins, nothing.  Like last night never happened.  It's the PC life again, and isn't it so darn silly?

Hope all is well with you today!!  We're going to have cold temps the next few days, so get out the gloves and hats again.

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