Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Angels Among Us

We know from the Bible that there are special creations of God -- angels.  We know that it was an angel that went to Mary to announce that she had been chosen by God to bear His son.  And that is just one of many, many references to angels.

There is a hierarchy of angels, in fact:  Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

They are in order of their influence and importance. 

When my sons were in their teen years and driving, there is just nothing that can compare to the worry a parent experiences when they are out at night.  I'd lie there in bed just hoping to see the headlights come down to the end of the street, and the whole while I'd be praying, "Angels, angels, angels."  I would ask my own Guardian Angel to go be with them, to get them safely home.   One night when my oldest son was out with friends, the phone rang.  My heart about stopped!!  It was my son calling to tell me that he had seen a man shot at a teen dance club in the Belden Village area and that the gunman's friends came out as the teens spilled out of the club into the parking lot, and continued to terrorize kids.  My son was only a few feet away from the actual shooting.  The bouncer later recovered from his wound, but many teens who were there that night felt terror, sheer terror.

Angels, angels, angels.  Some of us are familiar with the powerful prayer to St. Michael, the Archangel. 

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, oh prince of the Heavenly Host,
cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl around the world
seeking the ruin of souls.

And what is this battle mentioned in the prayer?  It is the battle that we wage against evil, the battle that is waged for every soul. 

When I was a little child, I discovered the Prayer to St. Michael in my First Communion prayer book and immediately was taken by it.  I memorized it.  Its words reminded me of a hymn that my neighbor friend had taught me -- Onward Christian Soldiers.  It begins, "Onward Christian Soldiers, marching onto war."

There is surely a battle going on.  Look at what our youth are facing in terms of temptation from the world.  The statistics show that youth are taking heroin.  Guns, stealing, depression.  Domestic violence, irresponsible parents, the whole works.  Facing all of this, we might think that all we can do is throw up our hands in frustration and defeat!  But not so -- the power of prayer is capable of changing hearts, of healing a broken land. 

Father Kevin says that if you ever enter into a church and you are all alone, and you feel that kind of hushed, quiet sense of the holy place, it is because angels are all about. 

There are a number of good books that have been written about angels.  It might be worth a read. 

Your guardian angel has been with you since you were born, yet another link between you and God.  I believe my guardian angel's name is Marta, and sometimes I just forgot all about her.  It is wonderful that she doesn't forget about me.  Maybe this topic is worth staying on for another day.  Let's look at angels again on Tuesday.

God Bless You.

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