Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Mall Race

We're off to Belden Village this morning for the daily mall race.  Dozens of "seniors" arrive at around 9:00 a.m. to begin their morning trek around every nook and crevice of the aging Belden Village Mall. 

There are some people who have real problems with limping and such.  I applaud their efforts.  It takes much more for them to go on than most.  There is a mother and daughter who arrive each day.  There is the Queen of the races, a woman in her 50s at least who is in very good shape and pretty much flies by everyone else.  And she rather enjoys it, you can tell.  That's why I have dubbed her "Queen."

I imagine some of the walkers stay around after their walk and have a cup of coffee in the food court.  Some of them are already having that cup of coffee when we arrive for our walk at around 9:15.  And then some probably stay and do a little shopping.  We've done that too, stopping in at the bath store or maybe Macy's.  I got walking with my neighbor, Mary McGrath.  She is 75 and quite spry, makes homemade donuts and her famous chicken and noodles.  She subscribes to two or three newspapers and reads them well, so she's up on things.  We'll have to talk about the Olympics today.

And when I logged in this morning to begin today's post, I saw something remarkable.  The temp thing on my home page was reading 43 degrees!  Can you believe it?  It was maybe 2 the other day.  So we're making progress. 

The wasps numbers might be down this year and that's okay with me.  They are the mud kind, the ones who take mud and build little tootsie rolls on the ceiling of our small porch cover.  And they do the same under the railing on the deck.  They haven't done it in years, but they've also built tootsie rolls under the deck furniture.  One day when I was sitting outside for a bit, I started to notice a gathering of wasps around me.  They weren't annoyed much, but I moved anyhow.  Upon investigation, I was more or less sitting on their nest. 

So -- have a great day, breathe in some fresh air, and imagine the colors of the rainbow that will come upon all of us in just a little while -- and Easter is late this year so that will make it lovely!

Bye for now.  God Bless You.

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