Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Skipped a Day

Sorry about yesterday.  I was just going about my business and not thinking about much of anything -- that's apparent -- and I forgot to post.  So apologies to the faithful readers out there.

Today I was supposed to go see my sister in Westlake and we had plans to get lunch and go to Ollie's (good stuff cheap).  But last night when we heard the updated weather forecast for our area and also the Cleveland area, it became obvious that today would not be a good day for a visit.  The best we could do would be to huddle around the space heater in her kitchen and eat all day. 

So we rescheduled.  The Cleveland area is due to have colder wind chill temperatures today than we are, so the idea of 15 below zero just wasn't attractive, and added to that there is to be some snow today, but no one seems to know who will get what.

I've been working on some craft projects for two upcoming charity events.  One is the school's silent auction and the other is the Altar and Rosary Society's annual card party.  We don't attend the school event at Guy's Party Center, but I like to help them out any way I can.  The card party is something we all look forward to.  It's at the social hall and it includes a nice light dinner and then tables and tables of prizes that we take chances to win.  Everyone is in a lighthearted mood because spring is upon us (by that time) and it's a ladies' night out.  Although there are a couple of tables of guys who come to play euchre I guess.

When the warmer weather finally comes, people are going to go crazy!!  Can you imagine the plant places, the bicycles, the walkers, the joggers, the mowers, the fertilizers, the pressure washers, the painters, the pool preparers, all heading for the outdoors.  Lowes will be mobbed.  And I promise myself on this day in the presence of the readers of this blog that I WILL sit outside on a chair for at least an hour a day if not longer. 

So that's about it.  Tuesday afternoon was rough for Ella.  She wasn't feeling well at school, likely had a mild seizure there, and so the teacher thought maybe someone should pick her up.  That "someone" would be me, but my cell phone wasn't charged up and both my son and daughter-in-law were trying to reach me to tell me to go to the school.  I was oblivious to all of it and was on the way to their house to meet the bus.  So once Ella got off and the bus driver described that Ella had been talking to a friend the whole way home (which I thought was nice but I couldn't figure out why it was significant), my son got in touch with me.  Ella had a little bit of a fever (they have one of those fantastic temperature takers that you just swipe across her forehead and down her cheek) so I gave her some liquid Tylenol as her mom mentioned.  And then I just sat by her and we watched some TV while I stroked her back and her legs.  By the time her mom got home, she did seem to feel better but the next day complained about her ear.  I'm pretty sure she went to the doctor.

So another lesson learned.  We never stop needing to learn lessons, do we?  I've got the phone charged up now and it will be on my person whenever I am responsible for Ella and Drew and Lauren.

Take care, and stay bundled up.  The winds are picking up speed right now as I'm typing this, and the temperatures are dropping.  Tonight will be frigid again.  Doesn't all of this make you wonder at the folks who call Alaska home?

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