Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Polar Vortex

Well, who ever heard of the polar vortex before this year?  And apparently, it's back again!  So prepare yourself for Thursday night, Friday and some days beyond. 

The recipe for potholes is apparently two parts polar vortex, one part rain in between, and one part snow because I've never seen potholes like this year.  Yesterday's Canton newspaper echoes that same observation.  In the 55th Street area of Canton/Plain Township, there is one that has to be three feet deep.  People are driving their cars like those drivers at Monte Carlo.  Zigging and sagging all around, and everyone quite tolerant of each other, I might add.  Plus, the drivers are going very slow.  You have to in order to miss the worst of them.  For me the worst time is morning because it's so dark that you can't begin to see them until it is too late.

With our local governments already drained from the cost of buying salt this year, I wonder how long it will take before we can get some patching done, even just cold mix which can be applied now but is only a temporary fix.

And of course, I had no idea it was going to snow last night.  The driveway has just enough snow on it this morning to hamper my plans to go to Rite Aid and get more Coldeze lozenges for my husband and maybe for me too.  They do help shorten the length of a cold if taken at the first signs of a cold.  They aren't cheap though, and I suppose an enterprising person might be able to get the zinc and whatever else is in them and take it in the same dosage for the same result.  Thing is, I'm not feeling that enterprising right now.

There are lots of folks who could use prayer at this time.  The one I would mention today is Luke from Jackson Township.  He was recently diagnosed with leukemia and is undergoing chemotherapy, but the therapy has left him with painful mouth sores.  It makes eating and swallowing very painful for him.  He is 13 years old.  If you have a spare moment or two, say a prayer for Luke, his family and his caregivers.  Luke's illness came on very suddenly and he is old enough to know how sick he is.  His situation really gets to me.

Well, that's about it this morning.  I've got to make the bed and get some chores done, plus venture out into the coldness to get the lozenges, as soon as my husband puts down some salt. 

Take care.  Bundle up. 

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