Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!!  It's not too bad outside, considering what we've had, and there's a light snow making it a sort of pretty morning.

Valentine is one of those words that begs to be mispronounced -- and I think we all know what it is -- Valentime.  Little kids do it all the time, but so do adults.  It goes right along with Lieberry instead of Library.  But my all-time favorite is the guy who said "Swedish" Day instead of Sweetest Day.  That's okay  -- Sweetest Day is a made-up occasion anyhow.

The one that drives me crazy is February.  Who can pronounce that correctly?  If there is a correctly.  I just make the B silent and go for it -- FebUary.

They had a big news story on last night on what to get and what not to get for your sweetheart on Valentine's Day.  One guy this morning bought a tiny heart-shaped cake at Lieberman's and was having it iced in a special way.  It looked pretty sugary to me.  I'm not a fan of sugar icing. 

Later today when I get Lauren from school, we're going to stop at Deliciously Different and she's going to pick out some candy and then maybe we'll stop at Keillor's to see if she can find a stuffed animal.  Lauren loves animals, and I know she's going to want to stop by Morrison's Pets to see the baby guinea pigs.  Mrs. Morrison let her hold them the last time.  But as long as Bun-Buns (her rabbit) is around, that's all the pets she's going to have at her house.  Bun-Buns is actually Snowball, but Lauren's dad also has a bunch of other names for him that we won't repeat.

Here's something interesting.  Sassy, our cat with the constipation problem, has always been skittish.  If you approach her, she quickly moves away.  You can't just reach down and pet her.  If she wanted treats bad enough, she'd let you get closer but that was an uncommon thing.  Well, since we've had to "catch" her twice a day to give her medicine, she's kind of loosened up.  It's the exact opposite of what I thought she would do.  I thought giving her the medicine would make her even more skittish and nervous.  Instead, she seems to have calmed down some.  This morning and last night, she didn't even bother trying to make a run for it!!  She just let me pick her up.  Wow.  Why didn't I know about this a long time ago?  She's seven!  We were WAY too nice.

Maybe that same thing applies to people who appear to be a little standoffish.  Maybe what we need to do is persevere with them!  It's a thought.

So let us enjoy the beautiful red decorations, flowers, hearts, candies, teddy bears or whatever -- and know that spring is definitely on the way. 

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