Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Schoolhouse Blues

The kids are home again today!!  I was supposed to head over to my son's house this morning to get the kids ready for school, but now I'll wait to head out until it is much lighter and brighter AND maybe a snowplow has come by here.  We have all day.

The color issue is resolved.  The paint store employee added something (maybe a touch of brown) and the color is much improved.  So we can commence with the painting project in all swiftness.  I feel relieved.

Yesterday we had Chili Day at the College of Business, The University of Akron.  I say "we" because I try to attend and help out whenever possible.  There were 14 pots of chili  made by faculty and staff members, representing all types and styles.  There was a bison pot, a vegan pot, a white chili pot, but the winner was an entry entitled, "Traditional and Tangy."  The five judges really enjoyed it. 

Then it was time to treat the students!  They got chili, crackers, cheese, a cookie, and a bottle of water.  I heard one guy say to another as they walked off with their food, "This is sick."  I guess that means good.  A couple of students asked why we were doing it.  My answer is, "Because we like you so much."  They laughed.  Many more said a heartfelt thank-you.  It's all worthwhile and maybe around 300+ students got a free lunch.

Chili Day got its start as one of my brainstorms years ago.  My best guess is other than last year when they took a break, it's been going on for about 20 years.  It's a way to push back against the winter and see that spring is coming.  The food is colorful, flavorful, and inviting.  The students love getting this little break, this touch of home.

The mood in the upstairs kitchen was happy, and everyone discussed their own brand of chili, what they put in it, how they season it, and how hot is was.  The names were fun too.  I called mine, "Eat More Chicken Chili," as a kind-of play off of Chick-Fil-A.  To me it tasted pretty good, different from my usual type.

Well, folks, now they are starting to compare the winter of 2013-14 with the infamous winter of 1977-78.  And that's saying something.  We got an unbelievable snowstorm back in 1978 when Greg was two.  We lost power at the house for a fairly long amount of time and we were just about ready to give up and go someplace warm when the light going down the stairs to the family room suddenly came on.  What a good feeling that was.  So if we even come close to tying that winter, it's rather amazing. 

Take care, be careful out there.  Say a prayer for all of the drivers.

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