Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


How do you know when you've watched a few too many CSI, Criminal Minds, or Law and Order episodes?

Answer:  When the Chobani ad comes on that shows a tree loaded with vials of red and yellow.

It's catchy, good music, beautiful visuals, but one day after having seen the ad a few times, I realized that my interpretation of it was strange.

I was actually thinking that the vials of red and yellow were blood and urine samples!!  Yikes!

Did anyone else do this or am I just weird?

One of the byproducts of all of this TV crime stuff is that criminals have less chance of getting away with things.  People know what to save, what to preserve, what to avoid in order to have a better chance of catching the perpetrator.  Or the unsub if you watch Criminal Minds.

One of my games is to count how many times they use the word "unsub" in one episode.  The term "suspect" used to be used, as did the term "perp."  But now we get "unsub" or unknown subject.  It has less of a derogatory sound to it, I guess, and of course we are always supposed to presume someone innocent until proven guilty. 

Two of us recently completed the task of choosing scholarship winners from an Akron company.  The CSI thing is still alive with at least three applicants mentioning a career in criminal justice with a focus on forensics.  We hadn't seen that many in several years.

Must be something that young folks are watching besides the usual series. 

So it's Tuesday, a great day in which to get something done.  I'm going to Cleveland again for the class reunion committee meeting. 

Hope you are enjoying yourself.

Not much new here.  Bought some new plants to take the place of the dead ones, thanks to the brutal winter.  We are in Zone 5 here, and near as I can tell, the temps for Zone 5 bottoms out at around 25 degrees below zero.  That one night with the 40 plus MPH wind chill was probably the culprit.  The ivy if finally starting to make a comeback too.  It's been there for probably 23 years! 

Take care.


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