Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Delight of a Child

In the new addition to the Rhoda Wise is a very large statue of Jesus, his arms outstretched as though reaching out for all of us to come and be with him.

Ella must have felt that same way as she noticed the statue because she immediately stood in front of Him and she held out her hand outstretched to match his -- she wanted to give Jesus "five."

So I helped her reach her hand a little farther and their hands touched ever so gently.  I'd like to think that this would be one of those times when Jesus became the "laughing Jesus" we've seen pictures of.  We know that Our Savior has a sense of humor.  And He preached often about how precious the children are, how God wants them to come and be with Him.  So this was one of those moments.

The other thing that seemed to pull Ella closer was a near life-size porcelain statue of the Baby Jesus.  She went over to the basket on the floor and she touched the baby's face, knees, arms.  She moved the Rosary that was around the baby's neck.  She held the cross. 

Children are the very innocence and receptivity that Jesus appreciated so much.  He always made time for them and he told his apostles the same.  We are to keep our hearts pure in our love of God, accepting Him as does the child.

Interesting that the two pieces of sculpture/art that drew Ella closest were Jesus and Baby Jesus. 

A lot of folks must visit the grotto there on the property because there were many, many lit candles.  Those that last maybe eight hours, and those that last for days.  The neighbors of the Rhoda Wise house must appreciate it being there because it is a refuge, a place of peace, a place of welcome in a not-so-lovely area. 

Yesterday when the thunder came so hard that it literally shook the house and made the glass in my closet door rattle hard, it came to my mind immediately -- that we'd been to the Rhoda Wise Home.  Something changes you when you are there.  It's hard to explain.

The lady who gave us the tour and helped us said that many who visit the home smell roses.  I did smell roses.  Mary was there at the Rhoda Wise Home. 

People often wonder why Catholics hold Mary so dear.  It isn't hard to explain.  When God had decided that Jesus would come down to earth and become one of His creations, He chose Mary.  However, she like us had free will; she could have said no to the angel's request that she become the mother of God.  And yet this young girl agreed!  Jesus' love for Mary helped Him to love us.  Mary's "yes" foreshadows Jesus' "yes" to the suffering he endured before and during the crucifixion, the bearing of our sin.  Mary's own suffering at the rejection and hatred towards her beloved son hurt Jesus too.  The little boy in "Heaven is For Real," described a scene in heaven, and said that Mary was near Jesus.  He said something like, "She is always close to Jesus."

It has taken me a long time to understand that when we suffer here, and we always do, we join with Jesus in His suffering.  In the grand scheme of things, it isn't much what we suffer, because at the end we race towards the prize -- eternal life.

Does everything make perfect sense to me?  No, it does not.  I have my moments of doubt.  I have my moments of questioning. 

But as some scientists who have studied the amazing human body have come to know that only a supreme being could have created something so amazing, I always pray that my faith will endure, will strengthen, will grow.  And I pray that yours does too.


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