Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Institutional Troubles

Whenever the objective of an institution is lost, then so is the institution.  That's what has happened in at least 42 different VA facilities across America. 

When employees see themselves as the important ones, the special people, then the very people for whom the system was created get shortchanged.  The people who are supposed to be served BY the institution are instead objectified by the institution.  You know, what is your number? 

It will be years before all of the inner workings of this massive system are investigated and figured out, and some of it never will because people who should know better destroyed important documents. 

When they do see what went wrong, there is one thing that seems clear to me at this point.  Fake waiting lists in multiple facilities in different states do not just happen by chance.  The whole thing points to some kind of directive from higher up.  Doesn't that make you angry? 

It bothers me a great deal.  Promises were made to the individuals who signed up to serve in the nation's military.  As a country that was founded on principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we are bound by the oaths that we take just as surely as the military personnel are bound by the ones they take.  We are beholding to them in so many ways, and they should not be waiting on interminable lists for services that they need.

The whole thing underscores something that rings true in every instance that I can think of.  The government doesn't seem to know how to run anything.  The government shouldn't be in the business of health care for our vets or for us.  Where is the expertise?  Where is the experience?  Where is the dedication?

In business, because if a business is going to thrive it must be profitable, there is a clearly drawn business plan and a set of objectives.  Everyone in the business has a job to do that propels the business towards its goals. 

Have you ever had to go to a government office for something?  I had to get a new social security card.  It was quite an adventure and yet another lesson in the silliness of institutions, their policies and their procedures.  They only sing one tune; there is no ability to improvise or think on your feet.

I see that the top official in the VA system has resigned.  I hope that this will begin a difficult, painful, but needed pathway towards doing better. 

As I see it, the dangers of the old cold war are nothing compared to the danger that looms today.  And believe me, I don't like admitting this or believing it myself but everything points to it.  We're having internal problems and we face external problems all at the same time.  Fighting battles on multiple fronts.  Struggling with what it means to be America.

One thing that I take away from all of this is that I don't want to forget what it is to LOVE my country, see the exceptional qualities of it, observe the beauty of it, and acknowledge the greatness of so many individuals. 

We face challenges but there is enough resolve left to deal with them if we just keep caring, keep working.  And most important of all, keep praying.

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