Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Rhoda Wise Home

Yesterday we went to the Rhoda Wise home on 25th Street NE in Canton.

Rhoda and her husband had owned another home, and what was on the 25th Street property was more or less a shack that they loaned out to folks who were down and out.  Little did they realize that they would be the down and out living there after they lost their home in the Depression. 

Today the home has been fixed up nicely, surrounded by a lovely wooden fence, a prayer grotto has been added, and an addition put on the home for the busloads of folks who visit.

Rhoda Wise is under consideration for sainthood and there is a letter at the home saying as much.  She was so special that 14,000 people attended her funeral in 1948.  Her story includes a painful and large abdominal growth that was ultimately removed, but the area became infected years later.  She was in the hospital (Mercy) for months at a time and they finally sent her home to die.

The nuns had taught Rhoda how to say the Rosary, and she asked St. Theresa, the Little Flower, for intervention.  One night St. Theresa came to Rhoda's room and told her that Jesus would be coming in a month.  Rhoda thought that this might be it, that she would die, but Jesus came to her room and she was healed.  Completely.  She also had a leg injury that wouldn't heal property and ultimately that was healed too.  Her husband stopped drinking, something she called the greatest miracle of all.

Her husband built an altar in their home, in Rhoda's room.  Then Rhoda received the Stigmata, the visible signs of Jesus' suffering, on her hands and forehead.  This went on for many years.

Thankfully, much of what happened at the Rhoda Wise home was recorded.  One of the most amazing things is that the porcelain statue of Baby Jesus came alive.  When they were giving a tour one day and told that particular detail, a woman in the room, said, "I know.  I was here."  And she said that indeed, the baby opened and closed His eyes. 

Faith.  It is that precious little nugget of childhood innocence and hope that yields so much.  That draws us to God and believes and trusts in Him. 

The people were so kind to us at the Rhoda Wise home.  They have a website and on it you can read a more thorough rendition of Rhoda's story. 

We went to the Rhoda Wise home to take my granddaughter, Ella.  She was well behaved and I think actually seemed to enjoy herself.  Pray with me that Ella will receive healing.  And if you know of someone who needs healing, take them to the Rhoda Wise home.

Thank you so much,


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