Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Where do you get your inspiration?  We all need to be inspired, I think.  It's part of our nature. 

For me, nature supplies a good chunk of it.  And then there are stories of amazing people, the accounts of miracles, the goodness that just exudes out of some, sacrifices, and bravery.

I'm inspired by young men and women who would serve their country in our Armed Forces, who move frequently, who don't get paid nearly enough, and who do the really tough things, see the really tough things, and sometimes pay the price in one way or another.

I'm inspired by creativity, by what a person can do with the simplest of objects, by the genius of artists, by the brilliance of the human brain.

I'm inspired by the Word of God -- the Bible.  In such deceptively simple language, so much is conveyed to us.  One sentence can answer many, many questions that we ask.  I'm inspired by a grateful heart, a person who knows whom to thank in life when so many forget to say those simple words at all.  God doesn't need our thanks but we need to extend the words to Him.

I'm inspired by children, by their willingness to forgive, by their generosity, by the bright innocent faces.  I'm inspired by my grandchildren.

A person gifted with creativity hungers for inspiration.  It is the fuel that keeps their engines going. 

I hope that you get your daily dose of inspiration, and that the people around you are part of that. 

Yesterday, the temperatures were really too warm for me.  I felt wilted, but today we are promised mid-60s and that ought to do the trick. 

This is the time of the year when the landscape offers us some surprises and some disappointments.  I don't know about you but we lost quite a few plants this past winter, a testament to the severity of it.  We'll work on it, try to get it back to the way it was.  Meanwhile, a lot of folks are struggling with water in basements and flooding. 

Let's say a prayer for them.  It can be overwhelming and depressing.

Take care, talk to you tomorrow then.


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