Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, May 9, 2014


The heat yesterday was a little uncomfortable.  We got the mowers running and so it was my turn to do the lower section by the gully.  It was still early, around 10:00 a.m., but it was still muggy and hot.  By the time I got done, I was just whipped.

Out of shape, out of energy, out of water!!  It doesn't take much.  One thing I've definitely noticed since getting older is that any extreme of weather isn't well tolerated.  High heat does me in.  Severe cold does me in. 

Everything is greening up, except for some casualties of our unusually harsh winter.  We lost about three nice boxwoods, several rose bushes, and I'm really worried about the wisteria.  The English ivy looks terrible.  A total layer of brown, but there seems to be live runners below.  I hadn't really budgeted for more plants this year!  I'll just easy on the annuals I buy and put more money towards the shrubs and perennials.

Lots of my friends have commented on what they've lost too.  Azaleas that had been around for years are gone.  If I had known the extent of the winter's wrath, maybe I could have wrapped the wisteria's trunk at least. 

I have a neat website for you -- try  There is a grouping of wonderful watercolor-like designs that you can print on paper or vellum (my choice) and you can use this for cards or projects of many different kids.  Very pretty!  I printed out several on vellum and used them for cards without further embellishment.  You have to type in the web address.  If you just do a search, it doesn't come up.

What else did I want to say?  First thing, if it applies Happy Mothers Day to you! 

Next, say a prayer for the children in Nigeria who are treated like dirt by a radical Islamic group there.  The girls who were taken at their school are not the first.  Some days ago, a group of boys were burned to death.  Who does something like that?  What kind of monsters?

Say lots of prayers for the children in America who are treated like dirt, who are physically and emotionally abused.

Well, time to go.  We're going over to a friend's house today to help her out a little bit.

Take care, Karen

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