Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Kazoo Part 3

So now you'd think that the whole kazoo thing was pretty much over, wouldn't you?  Maybe not.  Enter the recorder!!

At my granddaughter's school this year, music class will include the recorder which she proudly showed me yesterday in the zippered recorder case.  Apparently, the sound it creates is not the greatest and my daughter-in-law and son are now more or less "suffering" along with it as best they can.  They have a deck off the back of their house and this is the spot that Lauren has chosen to play her recorder.

Interesting that just as the dogs in my neighborhood weren't too thrilled with the kazoo, the dogs in her neighborhood don't like the recorder either.  So as soon as she goes out there to start her mournful serenade, they start barking and carrying on.

Here's the best part thought, if you like pay backs.  The weather is going to get cold!!  The recorder is going to eventually have to come back in the house!  It might even conger back to the days of my son and his saxophone.  But wait.  If she brings the recorder to my house in her backpack after school, and she practices here . . . it seems as though we might not be out of the woods on this thing either.  I'll keep you posted.  Meanwhile, maybe I'll dust off those earphones and we'll see if that helps.

She will learn to read music though and that is a good thing.  Something I never quite figured out despite piano lessons.  I blame it on the ADD and I'm sticking to it.

So today we are off to a cross country meet.  Have you ever watched one?  Don't rush out and check your local high school's schedule.  The route is all mapped out and the spectators gather at certain points during the run, just to catch a glimpse of blurry runners going by in a cloud of dust.  The last time my husband didn't figure out one time which one was our grandson.  He picked the kid in the lead the one time and I was really hoping he was right, but I knew it wasn't true.  Another time he pointed to a kid with hair that didn't look ANYTHING like our grandson's hair.  Oh well, maybe his glasses prescription isn't what it ought to be.

Do you have any jewelry that needs repair?  I know of a great little spot.  It's Burton Jewelry Repair on Wales Road, Jackson Township.  It's located right near Seifert's Flower Mill.  The guy is pleasant, kind and honest.  I got my earrings fixed and a watch battery, and then he tightened up some stones in my 10 year anniversary band (which I didn't know were loose but he showed me that they were) and then cleaned and polished it like new.  They do appraisals but they do charge for this service.

So check them out.  They also sell jewelry there, but not a huge inventory.

Bye for now.  Don't forget to say some prayers!  This is a very childlike prayer but it is a good starter for the day.  "Good morning, dear Jesus, this day is for you.  I ask you to bless all I think, say, and do."  We'll talk about this more on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend.

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