Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Wow, it was Monday and we were heading over to my son's house for a day of play!  And I wanted a picture of the three grandchildren for my phone too.  So we packed up some stuff and got everything ready -- and then . . .

Apparently, the neighbor set out some tomato stakes for the trash guy and they didn't take them, so they were sitting out in the road.  My husband who had left a few minutes earlier to go get some sweet corn for freezing saw them and figured, "Oh, there are some tomato stakes in the road, but she'll see them."

Guess who didn't see a thing?  Yep.  So all of the sudden there is this horrible noise coming from the front of the car.  Kind of like the muffler fell off or an exhaust pipe was dragging.  Something was definitely wrong.  So I looked and at first didn't see a thing until I went around to the FRONT of the car.  There wedged right up to the frame were two wire tomato stakes.  Didn't and wouldn't budge either.

So I backed down the street so we could at least get a little closer to home and away from neighbors looking out to see "dumb and dumbest" and we waited -- since Eric said he would be home by around 9:30.  And we waited for about five or six minutes and were thrilled to see the red truck coming towards us.  It was even hard for Eric to get the dumb things out from under the car, but he finally did when I turned the wheels off to the left. 

THEN we were on the way to see Ella and Drew.  It was a good day, but it was awfully hot and muggy.  It's always warmer at their house because they don't have any large shade trees to take the worst of the sun.  And the heat wears me out, so when we headed for home, I was really tired.  We got a great picture of the three of them though, and I dropped off a kazoo for each of them.  And let me tell you, they make Jim Carey's pronouncement, "Hey, wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world?," completely lame and tame.  And we were in the house which was the first mistake.  The second mistake was not hiding them somewhere.

See, you just can't script life.  We keep trying but it just isn't going to happen, is it?  People who fare the best are the ones who had ride the wave and take it as a challenge, rather than continue to bemoan the sudden change of plans.  I want to be those people!!  And I'm getting there, because Lauren and I had a really good laugh out in the street.  She thought it was HILARIOUS.

She was thinking ahead to when we would get to Ella's and Drew's, and said, "I know what Ella will say when she hears about the tomato stakes.  She'll say, 'Grandma!'"  And sometimes, she'll throw in a, "You're so silly."  It would have fit on Monday.

It was a much better time than the first day I ever bought gas at GetGo.  Better than when I got a nail in the tire of my brand new car.  Better than when I got shingles.  Yep, definitely better!!

So here's the funny and sweet for the day.  Lauren LOVES hills.  There are 28 of them on the way to Ella's and Drew's.  We counted.  So I thought we'd have a little educational moment and I'd share a saying.  "Lauren, have you ever heard of the saying, 'What comes up must go down?'"  Got her on that one, but she came right back.  "I never heard of that before, but I know something that's like what goes up must come down.  When God closes the door, he opens a window.  Know where I heard that?  The Sound of Music." 

Right on.

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