Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

School, school

Well, I am starting over on this posting because what I had just written mysteriously disappeared from the page.  Bummer!

I was talking about the start of school and how it is a new beginning each year, a new chance to do better, to study harder, to be more a part of things.  Children who have the right school supplies have a better chance, and that's why in Cleveland they have the "stuff the bus" event and why women crochet or knit hats and scarves, why there are coat give-a-ways and shoe give-a-ways.

Each one of us remembers what it is like to start school for a new year and how nice it is to have what you need the very first day or soon after.

Getting a new book bag or a new pencil case, maybe a new lunchbox just makes it a little more special.  These little perks make the child feel loved and special and make the child see that their parents value school and what they do there.

So school begins this morning at SS Philip & James School, or more properly known as Holy Cross Academy, SS Philip & James Campus.  At SPJ, school begins with Mass and this year my friend, Peg, and I are helping by playing guitar.

There are at least 35 children who participate in the singing and there is something wonderful and special about their voices.  Especially when they sing without accompaniment.

So this year I pray that all of the teachers, parents, and students have a wonderful experience!

Other schools start on Thursday, such as Ella's and Drew's.  And still others don't start until next week.  In any case, the air changes at this time of year.  The stores change from the fun stuff of summer to the more serious clothing of the school year.  The colors of ochre, brown, orange and red start showing up as we move towards the fall foliage and fall decorating.  The harvest is here.

Let's all look at this start of the school year as another start for ourselves.  Let's take stock of where we are and what we are and pledge to do better.  Maybe get our own "school supplies" like perhaps some good reading material from the religious book store or the library.  Maybe make time to spend with God -- in prayer.  Maybe make time for those who are alone and need company.

We could all use a few new "school" supplies, right?

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