Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Some Musings

The class reunion committee meeting last night went well.  We met at the Cleveland Yachting Club in Rocky River because this is where our Saturday night event is to be held on September 6.

Someone who is a friend of our class is a member and is hosting us, that is, allowing us to use the upstairs room that normally rents for at least $1,000 up front.  It's a beautiful place, almost like Shangra-la, with stately lakeside homes lining the quaint hilly street leading to the club. 

One of our classmates was crossing from the parking lot to the entrance and didn't notice a portable speed bump they'd placed to slow cars down in that area.  She fell and couldn't catch herself, hit her hose, and even cut her head where her glasses broke and embedded near her temple.  I still haven't heard if she is all right.  For sure, she must have broken her nose.  The ambulance took her to Fairview Hospital (where my sister was recently a patient and where my niece works) and her daughter was to meet her there.

It was a somber start for the meeting because Diana's falling was a reminder of how we are getting older and more frail, and also how quickly life can turn on a dime.

One of our classmates' wives was at the meeting; she is doing the flowers so she is going to make sure Diana gets some from us today. 

We got to see the prototype of the stem-less wine glasses that are being given as favors.  A classmate who owns a candy company is donating a bunch of candy for the Saturday event.  She specializes in the old time candies that we all remember so that will be wonderful.

Another classmate who is from California said he'd donate popmoney.  Well, we'd never heard of that before but apparently it's some kind of innovative bank transfer thing.  We think maybe he should just send a check.

About four or five classmates are waiting for a doctor's permission to attend the reunion.  Some are in even rougher shape than that and aren't doing well at all. 

Then another shock at the meeting -- one of my classmates married a fellow a year younger than we were.  His 50th reunion will be next year, so she is involved with that one as well.  I mentioned that my friends when I was little were Dolly and Debbie from the Class of '65.  She said she was pretty sure that when they started trying to find everyone from the class of '65 that Debbie was deceased.  THAT was really a surprise.  We'd exchanged Christmas cards up until about seven years ago, I imagine.  She died of cancer at age 59. 

So that was about it.  I'm waiting to hear from one of my classmates about Diana and I just pray that she is okay.  She is a wonderful, caring person and she is much loved by all of us.

Have a great Wednesday.  One of our committee members brought us a gift bag last night, just 'cuz and it was so sweet.  There's a little notepad in the bag with an attached pen.  My granddaughter just loves it.  What it says on each of the pages is, "Don't let yesterday use up today."

So that's pretty good advice for all of us, don't you think?

Take care.

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