Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, August 15, 2014

Lots of Prayers

I received the latest prayer requests from Julie Barkey.  For families going through a crisis of health or something else, they are often unable to really pray.  It is for this reason that those of us who can should.  The families depend on us to offer prayers for their loved ones and they never forget it.

At the Lions picnic on Tuesday night, one of the Lions thanked the members and you could tell he was very, very moved by the outpouring of kindnesses when he had recent heart surgery.  He also specifically mentioned the prayers.  A person who has been prayed for knows this; I'm convinced of it. 

One of those we are praying for is someone addicted to porn.  In Julie's online prayer email, she mentioned a man who knows what this kind of addiction is like.  This apologist (one who explains the faith) who dedicates his life to helping those with these kinds of difficulties believes that prayer and fasting go together.  I think that this is true -- since in the Bible on one occasion the disciples returned to Jesus frustrated that they could not cure someone.  Jesus told them that for this situation, fasting was needed.

My take on that is that fasting is not always needed to intercede.  The other thing that the apologist talked about was that if we can't turn down a slice of pizza, how are we going to be able to turn down the temptation to look at porn.  See, I think it is kind of like this -- we all have weaknesses in our makeup.  But each of us has his or her own weakness (or more than one).  I am not tempted to look at porn and have never gotten into it.  But I do have a hard time turning down a slice of pizza. 

I am never tempted to steal something from a store but do like a donut or two. 

So for some reason there are those of us who get caught up in the dark side of photography.  And I don't really understand but I know that it is a very deep and difficult addiction to overcome.  Part of the reason is that it is easy to come by -- any computer or tablet is a source.  Even the smart phone.  Part of the reason is that we live in a sexualized culture where there is entirely too much emphasis on "sex" and not nearly enough emphasis on love.  From this turned around emphasis, it is easier to objectify the human body.

I didn't start out thinking I'd write about this kind of thing for today, but it is a serious problem that really hurts relationships and families.  About four or five years ago, there was an excellent article in the Beacon Journal about two teenage boys who had both become caught up in porn.  Their computers had a filter on it which was supposed to prevent this very thing.  They were both in counseling but it was an uphill battle.  The article suggested that the earlier the imprint of this scourge starts, the more engrained it is.  Kind of like smoking at an early age does the same thing with cigarettes.  A deeper addiction, almost like it's in the DNA.

So as we hear about people who have health issues, pregnancy problems, addictions of one kind or another or other serious problems, we need to be their voices to God asking for His help in their lives. 

When I was really sick back in 1986, I know that there were people who prayed for me, and I knew it then!!  I also appreciated everything.  And now it is my turn to pay it forward.  Won't you join me?

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