Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cat Saves Baby

A news story from Obninsk, Russia told of a 12-week old boy who was left at the bottom of a stairwell in below freezing temperatures.  A stray cat who lives in a box at the apartment complex  cuddled with the child and kept him warm, and had also started loudly meowing which got the attention of some of the apartment dwellers.  The cat was normally very quiet, so one of the residents started to worry that Masha had gotten hurt and went out to check on the cat.

She found Masha and the baby and called authorities.  The baby was left with a bag containing some food and diapers but would probably not have made it through the night without the warmth that the cat provided.

Masha had grown attached to the baby and when the ambulance came, the cat followed the child to the ambulance and tried to get in.

Now Masha is a celebrity in Russia and who knows -- may get a forever home because of it.  I hope so.  No cats belong living outside.  Domesticated cats can survive but it is a cruel and lonely life.  Over the course of time, they often become ill due to exposure and a lowered immune system.  They also get frostbite just as we do and the areas most likely to be affected are their tails and their paws.

The baby is doing well.  Authorities are looking for the parents, but it would seem as though they didn't want the child.  And that's pathetic.

You have a child and a cat that were more or less throw-a-ways and they somehow found each other.  It is an amazing story of kindness and hope.  Even people who don't like cats would have a hard time not finding a soft spot in their heart for Masha. 

I pray that the little boy is well cared for and loved by someone -- and I wish the same for Masha.

Hope you are doing well, and getting along this winter.  I'm trying to look on the bright side.  It's almost the end of January.  Then we have February and usually by March we are starting to warm up a little bit.  This morning I'm safe in the house working on the blog and looking outside at the accumulated snow.  We're going to have to clean up out there; I left my car in the garage last night and thought that the snow wasn't starting until around 7:00.  It must have started a little bit earlier so that by the time I woke up, we had a good coating on the driveway already.

The temperature is 30 but there is some wind today.  So bundle up.

Back to the chairs -- the one seat-less chair is still sitting there awaiting some TLC.  It is possible that today might be the day I get something done on it.  But who knows?   I don't like half-finished projects but at the same time I do want to do this right.  As they often say, timing is everything.

Oh -- one other thing.  My son spilled some Super Glue on the formica in their kitchen.  Do you know what removes it?  Nail polish remover.  Interesting.  So put that in your "hints from Heloise" list.


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