Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dream On

Just when there was quite a long period of time when I didn't remember my dreams, I had a real night of it a few days ago.  Woke up remembering a couple of them very vividly.

The first dream is that I was trying to complete some kind of degree and had a certain number of courses to complete.  In previous semesters, apparently I chose to ditch a couple of the classes and never attended.  Is this starting to sound like the old "college dream"?  So now it was time to see what was left by doing an inventory of what I had taken and what I had not taken.  When they brought over the results, the classes that I'd ditched were carried on a large wooden contraption, kind of like a tray.  And on the tray was the obvious evidence that I had blown off the classes altogether.

I was afraid to learn how much I had to finish for the degree.  But the trays were brought over and that bothered me.  I had this sense of failure and cluelessness -- and this overwhelming feeling of why in the world had I blown off the classes?

So, yes, it was the old college dream again, only this time it was much more intense and pressing.  I've been working on a project for the last few months and have made some progress.  It's a book.  And it's about angels.  Pray that I get on track to work on it and finish it.  It is important for me to do this -- because for one thing I know God wants me to.  Since coming up with a title and a plot, angels have been showing up everywhere.  In an issue of The Liguorian dedicated to angels.  In the intentions book at the chapel at church.  All kinds of references to angels.  One week when I went to the chapel, I grabbed the first book on the shelf sitting out front on a short stack.  What was it about?  Angels.

As part of the research I've been doing, I found out that St. Thomas Aquinas is considered to be one of the foremost experts on angels.  His work, Summa Theologica, has a 75-article section on angels where he has cited material from a diverse list of sources. 

From parts of that work that I found on the net, he makes the claim that:

  • Angels cannot change man's will, but can a human's imagination and senses to make a point.
  • Inferior (lesser) angels can never enlighten superior angels, but they do communicate with one another.
  • All angels are subject to God, their creator.
  • Men are guarded by angels.  Each person has a guardian angel, usually one of the inferior angels.
  • Angels do not grieve, for all that happens is under God's care.
  • Dionysius categorized nine divisions of angels -- cherubim, seraphim, thrones, dominions, angels, archangels, and I can't remember the other three.
My second dream does not have much consequence, but it was also very vivid.  I had been out and about with some people and when I got home realized that I had about a 12-inch nose hair growing out of one nostril and it was white.  I plucked it out.  The thing was enormous, and I was mad at my friends for not telling me about it and subjecting me to ridicule.  Although no one said a thing. 

Wonder what on earth that means?  Freudians -- cease and desist!

So that's it for today.  Stay warm.  We've just got February to get through and things will get better!!  And thank God that New York/ New Jersey were spared the worst of the blizzard.


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