Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Quick Post

Just a quick post here to say hello and complain about the cold.

Sometimes I like to whine; it just happens.

I worked in the same department with George Prough and I know I told you about him before.  He died about three years ago from Parkinson's and put up quite a fight.  Well, yesterday we saw in the Beacon Journal that his son's wife died unexpectedly, leaving two children.  She was only 42 years old.

It is always so sobering and sad when someone so young dies.

The obituary said that she knew her Lord and Savior on a personal basis since 1982.  That's just glorious!  And at the end of the obit, there was a quote from the Bible.  Probably my favorite.

"All things work into good purpose for those who know and love the Lord."

The quote they used was just a little different but the meaning is the same.  No matter what happens in this life, we must hope and believe that there is a God who knows about it and cares.  He doesn't want us to be sad but he knows we will be.  He was sad when his friend Lazarus died.  He cried.

And then He told us that it will be all right; every tear will be wiped away; He will make all things new.

What an awesome promise!

Stay warm; be careful; wear gloves.


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