Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Friday, January 30, 2015

The Mansion

There was a horrific fire in Annapolis, MD a couple of weeks ago.  The fire destroyed a beautiful home called "the castle" by neighbors, and the worst is that the fire also took the lives of six people -- the owners and their four grandchildren.

The house was the last one on an outcropping of land and was on the water.  The husband did well for himself in the IT area and the home was worth millions..

A couple of years ago someone they knew was trying to set up a class reunion.  The wife volunteered the house.  The woman found herself taking a lot of interior pictures while she was there and she shared them with the media.  I happened upon them yesterday.  First, photos of a four-alarm fire and then photos of an amazing architectural design.

Apparently, the dry Christmas tree ignited due to an electrical problem and trapped the family upstairs.  The grandchildren were all between the ages of eight and six and probably had been having the time of their lives on this visit.

Life can turn on a dime it says in a song, and isn't that the truth?  We just never know what could be around the corner.  And yet we need to have a rock upon which we build our lives or nothing makes any sense.

What makes the most sense to me is my faith.  It is the one constant; the one element of my life that remains the same.  God does not change but pours out His love for us constantly.  He showers us with His love.  It is just what we need, as balm or salve, as a lift and an encouragement, as the soul's sustenance.

Well, got to go.  I have to play/sing for the 9:00 a.m. mass this morning and my car is on top of the hill awaiting some cleaning off.  And I need a cup of tea to get going too.

Take care, and have a good one. 


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