Light of Christ

Light of Christ

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Fake War

For quite some time now, we've been hearing about the "war on women."  I just don't see it.  So, this day's posting is going to be about how we don't have a war on women and how the terminology is a political ploy used to "gin up" the women's base.  Or in other words, use women for someone's political gain.

Why is that bothersome?  It is bothersome on a number of different levels.

  • One area where there has allegedly been a "war on women" is in the workplace.  I can attest to the fact that a male working in a job was paid more than a female doing the same job.  It happened to me back in the 1980s, in fact.  To some degree the situation still exists but things are much better than they used to be.  I'm not sure how it developed; it might even go back to WWII when the women took the men's places in the workplace so the men could go fight.  At any rate, I'd hardly call that a war, would you?  It is an inequality in some cases but certainly not a war.
  • When politicians declare a war on something, watch out.  The words are chosen carefully to elicit a response and there are plenty of women who fell for the bait.  This so-called war is in part supposed to be about a women's right to choose.  They have that choice, unfortunately, and can choose to end a baby's life through abortion.  And no one talks about or seems to care what sorts of ills that brings to the woman who makes that choice.  Women have easy access to a number of different pills for birth control and the cost is rather small even without insurance.  Women receive benefits to get a mammogram each year on insurance policies, and cancer screening.  They receive benefits to get reconstruction after breast cancer.  Women's health buildings separate from the rest of a hospital are much more common today.  I can't honestly say I've seen a men's hospital or wing.
  • Whereas women often stayed home to take care of the children and the house in the 1950s, women make up a large portion of the workforce these days.  In fact, a number of women have opted to go back to the 1950s model and have found that in many instances, they can save money by staying home, especially if there are small children involved. 
Women have this marvelous gift; we can bear children.  Take a group of elderly people and bring a child into the group and watch what happens.  It's like turning on a light in a dark room.  Children are the best comedians there are.  No day goes by without something to laugh about with a child nearby.  Their innocence is such a great contrast to today's world, and rather than enjoying what they bring, too often children are marketable for products/toys/services.

The real war that is being waged is that women have allowed themselves to be duped into thinking that they can do whatever they want without facing the consequences.  There are consequences for both men and women but women seem to be fighting for their chance to swing the pendulum towards them.  Right now, I'm thinking about the female college students who choose to get into binge drinking.  I'm thinking about the use of language.  I'm thinking about the lack of modesty.  I'm thinking about the lack of respect towards their own bodies and those of others -- and the "it's all about me" attitude that is so prevalent these days. 

A war on women or are women actually at war with themselves?   As my boss at work always said, there is a big difference between men and women and the physical differences are just the start.  In the Christian life, we can find a way to live an abundant life, a fulfilled life, a joyful life.  It is not an empty, confrontational, antagonistic, me-me-me, demanding, defensive and worthless existence.  It follows the priorities set by God -- God, family, friends, work.  Femininity is embraced and not for spike heels, fragrances, a myriad of skin products, and the latest clothing trends. 

If a person spends a lot of their time waiting for someone to offend them, look at the time they have wasted on sharing a little joy in the world?

Today I will be joyful!!  I thank God for my children and grandchildren. 

I wish for you a day of joy too.


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